Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today I discovered how to change to another level without pressing the space bar. it dose it automatic. heres a snapshot.. To make it easier I made a small black circle at the end of the first phase, when it touches the small circle it automatic switch to the second phase.. Click here to view the better improve version

Now you can jump on the block. is a little glitzy but the reason why is because gravity is making Mario go down. Heres a snapshot of the block I used to make this happen

1 comment:

  1. I'll talk to Anthony tomorrow, but here are a few thoughts I have on the program:

    1. Give new names to your sprites that describe what they are. I see you named Mario (good), but the brick walk is still named Sprite2, Sprite3, etc.

    2. I'm wondering if a vertical bar positioned just off the edge of the stage would be better than the black dot, since you are less likely to miss it (by jumping over it, say) and it will delay the switching of the background until Mario walks off the screen. Another possibility is to use Mario's position to change the background. Let's talk about that today in class.
